Archive for May, 2012

HB graphite pencils Deutsch: Bleistifte der St...

HB graphite pencils Deutsch: Bleistifte der Stärke HB (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

If you are looking for a professional to help with writing, graphic design, pretty much anything your small business may need done, check out, out source to people who are working in thier own small business environment.   There are TONS of professionals available to do the work you need most.  The site is kind of set up like e-bay in where you list the work you need done, including:  time frame, cost, and skill set.  After you post the requirements, then you wait for professionals to ‘bid’ on your job.  It’s really kind of a neat way to outsource small jobs, or jobs that might be out of your small business budget.

For those of you who are writers, business professionals, artists, and computer geeks, this is a good place for you to set up a resume, and get some extra income and more importantly, experience in your field.  Nothing like being able to add work history to a resume when looking for steady work.

So i ran across the io9 website and got to watch about  half of this video tonight.  My inner geek was laughing and rolling on the ground in stitches!  Why you say?  First off I like Star Wars.  Second I love parodies.  (Yes I am a closet Wierd Al Yankoic fan).  More importantly, I recognized a lot of the characters that these artists were responsible for creating.   Pinky is still my favorite!  These are very accomplished voice actors, they did a great job– click on the link and let your inner geek giggle away!

Watch cartoon voice actors read the Star Wars Trilogy as Bubbles, Bender, and Captain Kirk.

Yellow and Green Reverse Swirl Recycled Glass by FullGamutWorkshop.

Have you ever stopped to think about color?  Color plays a vital role in our daily lives.  Not only does it make a psychological impact on us every day influencing our thoughts and emotions, but in many religious beliefs it plays a role for spiritual development as well.

The reverse twist in this pendant is a delicate balance symbolizing the aspects of balance and equal force, which can be reflected in the Asian aspects of Yin and Yang.  Light vs. Dark.  Eternal change and balance.

Yellow as a color recharges the spirit and gives us energy for change, while green allows us to grow and develop.  This pendant is good for someone who wants or needs to bring about balanced change and growth into their lives.  I recommend pairing it with the black necklace or accents as black repels negativity, and will help you to let go of those negative thoughts which impede and make you struggle for change in your life.

Handmade Lampwork Strawberry Pendant by FullGamutWorkshop on Etsy.

Purchase a piece of unique collectible handmade glass art you can wear for years to come.  Glass pendant comes with a lifetime guarantee, ready to wear with a twisted cotton cord necklace your color choice of:  white, tan, dark brown, or black.  (If a color is not chosen, one will be picked to match the pendant).
This realistic strawberry pendant is made of recycled glass and is so detailed, the artist even included the appearance of a bruise on the tip of the pendant.

If you like to make your own art, here are some of my ideas on how you can include this in your own work:

  • wedding cake decoration
  • hair component
  • necklace centerpiece
  • accent in a flower arrangement
  • part of a key chain
  • include in a collage
  • use as part of your strawberry shortcake Halloween costume

So I have just added my first project.  You can find it under the projects tab at the top of my blog.

Image representing Bing as depicted in CrunchBase

Image via CrunchBase

Be wary of clicking on and or downloading any programs that you are directed to in the Microsoft website search.  There are two options for searching: and Websearch.  Both of these options are powered by Bing, but to the unwary you might accidentally search the web and download something you didn’t want to download, like malware or a virus.

To double-check yourself, click in the search box to move your cursor into the box.  Then, if you click again in the search box a drop-down menu will appear.  Make sure that Search appears in bold font and there is check mark next to it as well.

If you would like to search the web all you have to do is click on Search the Web.  Your current selection should change to bold font and have a check-mark next to it.

Blue and white spiral pendant hemp macrame by FullGamutWorkshop.

Blue and white spiral pendant hemp macrame necklace

Hemp Necklace with Mahjongg Tile Pendent by FullGamutWorkshop.

Hemp Necklace with Mahjongg Tile Pendent

Free Shipping, Free Insurance, and Lifetime Warranty on the glass pendant.  Purchase a piece of unique collectible glass art you can wear for years to come.

Unique Black Riverstone Copper Wrapped Pendant with Green Ceremic Beads